Another larger portion of our attention, the second attention, is the awareness we need in order to perceive our luminous cocoon and to act as luminous beings. The second attention remains as a backdrop throughout our entire lives, or is brought forth through deliberate training or by an accidental trauma.
The battlefield of warriors is the second attention, which is something like a training ground for reaching the third attention. It is a very difficult state to reach, but very rewarding when achieved.
The second attention is a more complex and specialized state of the glow of awareness. It has to do with the unknown. It comes about when unused emanations inside man’s cocoon are utilized.
The reason I called the second attention specialized is that in order to utilize those unused emanations, one needs uncommon, elaborate tactics that require supreme discipline and concentration.
The concentration needed to be aware that one is having a dream is the forerunner of the second attention. That concentration is a form of consciousness that is not in the same category as the consciousness needed to deal with the daily world.
The second attention is also called the left-side awareness; and it is the vastest field that one can imagine, so vast in fact that it seems limitless.
I would not be one to lose myself in it for anything in the world. It is a quagmire so complex and bizarre that sober seers go into it only under the strictest conditions. The trouble is that to enter the second attention is very simple, and its attraction is almost irresistible.
The ancient seers, masters of awareness, applied their abilities to their own glow of awareness and made them expand to inconceivable bounds.
In fact, they aspired to kindle all of the emanations inside their cocoons, one band at a time. They succeeded, but in a very strange way; the fact that they kindled one band at a time was the determining factor of their entrapment within the quagmire of the second attention.
The new seers corrected that mistake. They let the dominion of awareness develop itself to where it naturally occurs, which is to extend the glow of awareness beyond the limits of the luminous cocoon in a one and only pulsation.
The second attention as a progression begins as an idea that comes to us more like a curiosity than an actual possibility; turning into something that can only be felt, as a sensation is felt; and finally evolving into a state of being, or a realm of practicalities, or a preeminent force that opens for us worlds beyond our wildest fantasies.
The sorcerers have two options for explaining sorcery. One is to speak in metaphoric terms, and tell of a world of magical dimensions. The other is to explain its activities in sorcery’s own abstracts terms.
Being a by-product of a displacement of the assemblage point, the second attention does not happen naturally but must be intended. It can be metaphorically described as beginning with intending it as an idea and ending up with intending it as a steady and controlled awareness of the assemblage point’s displacement.
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