Pleasure, love
The apogee of pleasure is attained only after all pains have been eliminated, for as long as pleasure reigns, neither pain nor woos remain.
The pleasures of love have never served us. We should consider ourselves happy to remain unbothered.
Some pleasures are natural and necessary; other are natural and unnecessary; while others are neither natural nor necessary, but born only of vain opinion.
Desire is cause of all evils.
No pleasure is evil in itself, but some things capable of engendering pleasures are accompanied by a greater number of evils than pleasure.
The pleasure of doing a good deed is greater than receiving one.
Thou, who art not lord of your morrow, do not postpone the moment of enjoying all pleasure possible in your present moment! Our lives are consumed in waiting and we die dedicated to this wait for pleasure.
Wisdom, Virtues
The laws exist for the wise. Not to practice unjust acts, but to not suffer from them.
Every person leaves their life as if it has just begun.
A just person is tranquil; the unjust always strives to appear attentive.
Friendship and loyalty are found in an identity rooted at the soul level that is very rarely found.
Justice is man’s revenge in society, just as revenge is man’s justice in the wild.
Liberty is the greatest fruit of self-sufficiency.
You cannot be free of fear as long as you inspire fear in others.
All great navigators owe their reputation to the storms and the rainy seasons.
Of all the things wisdom provides to turn one’s life wholly happy, the greatest of all is but one true friendship.
He who requires constant help, while, in the same manner, never gives it, is not a friend.
We do not prove our feelings to a friend in sharing his woos, but with our effective help.
All friendship is desirable in itself, but it always begins out of interest.
Integrity is that which you do when no one is looking at you. Everything you do, do it as if someone was observing you!
Do nothing in life that would cause you fear if your neighbor ever found out.
In debates, the loser gains the most, for he learns what was unknown.
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