Now is when I need your total attention. Attention in the sense that warriors understand attention; a true pause in order to allow the sorcerers’ explanation to fully soak through you. We are at the end of our task. All the necessary instruction has been given to you and now you must stop, look back, and reconsider your steps. Sorcerers say that this is the only way to consolidate one’s gains.
I have told you countless times that a most drastic change was needed if you wanted to succeed in the path of knowledge. That change is not a change of mood, or attitude, or outlook. That change entails the transformation of the island of the tonal.
At this precise point a teacher would usually say to his disciple that they have arrived at a final crossroad. To say such a thing is misleading, though. In my opinion there is no final crossroad, no final step to anything. And since there is no final step to anything, there should not be any secrecy about any part of our lot as luminous beings. Personal power decides who can or who cannot profit by a revelation.
My experiences with my fellow men have proven to me that very, very few of them would be willing to listen. And of those few who listen, even fewer would be willing to act, even fewer would be willing to act on what they have listened to. And of those who are willing to act even fewer have enough personal power to profit by their acts. So, the matter of secrecy about the sorcerers’ explanation boils down to a routine; perhaps a routine as empty as any other routine. At any rate, you know now about the tonal and the nagual, which are the core of the sorcerers’ explanation. To know about them seems to be quite harmless.
It is time to open the door of the infinite for you. But before we venture beyond this point a fair warning is required. A teacher is supposed to speak in earnest terms and warn his disciple that the harmlessness and placidity of this moment are a mirage, that there is a bottomless abyss in front of him, and that once the door opens there is no way to close it again.
What will happen here today depends on whether or not you have enough personal power to focus your unwavering attention on the wings of your perception.
Power provides according to your impeccability. If you had seriously used those four techniques: erase your personal history, lose your self-importance, assume responsibility for your actions and use death as an advisor, you would have stored enough personal power to find a benefactor. You would have been impeccable and power would have opened all the necessary avenues. That is the rule.
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