Now you know much about the Hunt. It should be easy for you to comprehend that a good hunter knows one thing above all the others… he knows his prey’s everyday routine. This is what will makes him a good hunter.
Being a good hunter isn’t just luring and catching your prey into a trap. A hunter worthy of his title does not catch his prey because he prepares traps and snares, or just because he is familiar with his prey’s routine, and yes because he himself does not have one. This is the advantage he has. He doesn’t live an absolute life like the animals that he pursues, fixed in heavy routines and habits; he is free, fluid and unexpected.
Having the desire to be a hunter, first you have to break free of life’s routines. I’m talking about hunting, and so I am referring to the things that animals do; the places where they eat; where they build their nests; the way they walk. These are the routines that I am indicating to you so that you may become aware of them in your own self.
We all behave like the prey we are pursuing. This naturally turns us into something or someone else’s prey. Now, the hunter is aware of all of this is and is extra careful to not become a prey to himself. Know what I’m saying?
It is not enough knowing how to build and set traps. A hunter must live as a person who desires to live the very most his life has to offer. Unfortunately, the needed modifications are difficult and slow going. Sometimes it can take years for a man to be convinced of his necessity to change.
A good hunter changes his ways as many times as necessary. A hunter should not only know the habits of his prey, as he also knows that there are forces in this world that govern men, animals and the entirety of life. These are the forces that direct our life as well as our death.
Our actions have power. Especially when the acting person knows that those actions are to be his last battle. A strange feeling of happiness is felt when acting in full knowledge that that which you are doing may very well be your last here on Earth. I recommend that you reconsider your life and look at your actions in this light. You do not have time, my friend. This is the disgrace of human beings. None of us have enough time, and your continuity in this world does not have meaning if kept in shadow and mystery.
Your continuity only makes you timid. Your acts cannot have the discernment, power, and compulsive strength than those of a man who knows that he is staking his last battle here on Earth.
Our death awaits us and the actions we practice now can very well be our last battle on Earth. I call it ‘battle’ because it is a conflict. Most people go from one act to another without any conflict or thought. A hunter, on the contrary evaluates each and every action; and having intimate knowledge of his death, proceeds wisely as if each action were his last battle. Only a fool would not perceive the advantage that a hunter has over the rest. A hunter gives due respect to his last battle.
It is more than natural that he gives his last act upon Earth the very best of what he has inside of him. It is enjoyable this way. It makes the fear numb away. The forces that drive men are unpredictable, shadowy; and, being so, their splendor is of something to admire.
A hunter of power watches everything, and everything reveals to him something secret. When a man follows the ways of Sorcery, he slowly becomes conscious that ways of common life are forever behind him; that knowledge is actually something very frightening; that the ways of the common world are not a shield to him anymore, and that he has to adopt a new way of life in order to survive.
The first thing that he should do at this point is to have the desire to become a warrior, a step and a decision that are very important. The frightening nature of knowledge does not leave us any alternative other than to turn ourselves into a warrior.
When knowledge turns into something frightening, a man also comprehends that death is a non-substitutable ally, and that they sit on the same straw mat together. Every little bit of knowledge that becomes a power has death as its core strength. Death gives the last touch, and whatever is touched by death becomes real power.
Death is our eternal friend. It is always at our left side, at arm’s reach. He has always watched over you. He always will, until the day he touches you. How is it that a person can feel so important knowing that death is on his tail?
What you should do when you are impatient is turn to your left and ask advice from your death. You will lose an enormous quantity of pettiness if your death gives you a gesture, or if he brushes by, or if at least you have a feeling that your companion is there, watching you.
Death is the only wise council that we really have. Every time that you feel, as you always do, that everything around you is wrong and you are about to be annihilated, look over to your death and ask if it is true. Your death will say to you: I haven’t touched you yet!
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