Every one of us human beings has two minds. One is totally ours, and it is like a faint voice that always brings us order, directness, purpose. The other mind is a foreign installation. It brings us conflict, self-assertion, doubts, hopelessness.
In other words, one is our true mind, the product of all our life experiences, the one that rarely speaks because it has been defeated and relegated to obscurity. The other, the mind we use daily for everything we do, is a foreign installation.
This energy center does not entirely belong to man. Understand, we human beings are, so to speak, in a state of siege. This center was assumed by an invader, an unseen predator. And the only way to overthrow this predator is by strengthening all of the other centers.
I see energy and I see that the energy on the top of the center of our head does not float as does the energy around other centers. It has a very unpleasant and strange side-to-side movement. I also see that, in a sorcerer who was able to take rule over the mind, which the sorcerers call a foreign installation, the floatation of this center becomes exactly like the floatation of all the other centers.
Our pettiness and contradictions are, rather, the result of a transcendental conflict that afflicts every one of us, but of which only sorcerers are painfully and hopelessly aware: the conflict of our two minds.
A Predator from the Depths
There are scores of outside forces controlling you at this moment. The control that I am referring to is something outside the domain of language. It is your control and at the same time it is not. It cannot be classified, but it can certainly be experienced. And above all, it can certainly be manipulated. Remember this: It can be manipulated to your total advantage, which of course, again, is not your advantage, but the energy body of the dreamer’s advantage.
However, the energy body is you, so we could go on forever like dogs chasing their own tails trying to describe this. Language is inadequate. All these experiences are beyond syntax.
That’s the universe at large, incommensurable, nonlinear, outside the realm of syntax. The sorcerers of ancient Mexico were the first ones to see those fleeting shadows crossing their field of vision, so they followed them around. They saw them as you will see them, and they saw them as energy that flows in the universe. And they did discover something transcendental.
They discovered that we have a companion for life. We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took rule over the precepts of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we do not do so.
This is what the sorcerers of ancient Mexico called the topic of topics: we are being held prisoner! This was an energetic fact for the sorcerers of ancient Mexico. There is an explanation which is the simplest explanation in the world: They took over because we are food for them, and they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance. Just as we rear chickens into chicken coops, the predators rear us into human coops. Therefore, we are always available food to them.
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