Blessed is he who invented the neat little ruse that is the calendar, because the good thing about Monday, the 1st of the month and every New Year is that it gives us the impression that life doesn’t continue, that it just starts all over again… What would become of us if the little piece of paper marked 713,789 of the Christian era?
I threw myself, metaphorically speaking, through the window of the three hundred and sixty-fifth floor of last year. Did I die? No. I resuscitated.
Nothing ever remains,
Everything will start again!
And with no memory
Of the other times lost.
The fiercest of domestic animals is the wall clock: I know one that has devoured three entire generations of my family.
We live in fear of the future, but it is the past that runs us over and kills us.
I come from the depths of the Ages
When the world was still being born…
I’m as old and as new
As the light of each day!
Alarm clocks are good for rolling over to the other side of the bed and falling back to sleep.
Heart that beats and pounds…
Before it stops beating!
Only on a clock face do the hours
Go by unsuffering.
There are some who die earlier rather than later. The rarest thing to find in these cases is just the right defunct person at a precise time.
The past does not acknowledge its place: it is always present.
Time is a point of view. Old is whoever’s one day older than we are…
The clock goes on ticking! Nostalgia is what makes things stop in time…
Nothing ever remains, everything will start over again!
When I was a child, I had to keep quiet at the table: only the big people spoke.
Now, as an adult, I have to keep quiet for the children to speak.
How many times have we, in search of fortune,
Proceeded just as the unhappy grandpa:
Looking, in vain, from top to bottom for his glasses
While they are sitting on the tip of his nose.
The future is a kind of bank to which we refer, one by one, the checks of our hopes. Now, it’s just not possible that all checks will bounce.
I am 78 years old but ageless.
There are only two ages: either you are alive or dead.
The latter case is too old, for we were promised Eternity…
I never let my hopes be shattered by pessimistic words
This stranger who dwells in the mirror, much older than I,
looks at me like someone trying to figure out who I am.
Death should be like so:
a sky that slowly falls into night
and we know not that it is the end…
Only you knew how to find me… and you left!
Nothing ever remains. Everything starts agains!
And without any memory of other times lost,
I snatch the dream rose from your distracted hands
One day we discover that despite having lived almost a century, that all this time is not sufficient to accomplish all of our dreams.
Eternal is everything that lasts a fraction of a second but with such intensity that it petrifies, and no force may ever release it.
Before you judge “my life” or my “standing”…
Put on my shoes and walk the road that I have followed,
and live “my sorrows,” “my issues”
“my joys!” traverse the years I covered,
misstep where I have misstepped and arise, just as I did.
Each of us has his own story!!
And only then may you “judge me”!
In living together, time does not matter.
If it be a minute, an hour, a lifetime.
What matters is what was left in this minute,
this time, this life…
Remember that what matters
…is that all you sow shall you reap.
So mark your passage,
Leave behind something of yourself…
of your moment,
of your hour,
of your day,
of your life.
Life is a duty that we took with us to do at home.
By the time you realize it, it’s already six o’clock!
By the time you realize it, it’s Friday…
By the time you realize it, the year’s already over…
By the time you realize it, we lost the love of our life.
By the time you realize it, fifty years have gone by!
Now it’s too late to fail.
Therefore, I say:
Don’t not do something you like due to lack of time. The only thing lacking will be that time which, unfortunately, will never come back.
There is a color that is not in the dictionaries. It’s that indefinable color that is in all the portraits, all the costumes from last season … The color of time.
Memory is a rocking chair rocking alone.
Ah, always when you are dreaming something
You have the age of its dream time:
I forgot of the future…
Hands saying goodbye are slowly dying birds.
Death is the total liberation: death is when we can finally lie down in our shoes.
Over time, we aren’t alone anymore because of the ones who have left us, we are alone from each other.
Eternity is a handless clock.
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