You want me to tell you that it is all right to live in one of those tunnels, if for no other reason than just to know what the emissary’s voice is talking about.
I went through the same turmoil myself. And no one could help me, because this is a superpersonal and final decision, a final decision made the instant you voice your desire to live in that world. In order to get you to voice that desire, the inorganic beings are going to cater to your most secret wishes.
This is really diabolical, but not just because of what you are thinking. For you, the diabolical part is the temptation to give in, especially when such great rewards are at stake. For me, the diabolical nature of the inorganic beings’ realm is that it might very well be the only oasis dreamers have in a hostile universe. It is definitely a haven is for some dreamers. Not for me. I don’t need props or railings. I know what I am. I am alone in a hostile universe, and I have learned to say, So be it!
Expanding perception
Under the influence of dreaming, reality suffers a metamorphosis. Two options are faced by all dreamers: either we carefully revamp or we completely disregard our system of sensory input interpretation.
To revamp our interpretation system means to intend its reconditioning. It means that one deliberately and carefully attempts to enlarge its capabilities. By living in accordance with the sorcerers’ way, dreamers save and store the necessary energy to suspend judgment and thus facilitate that intended revamping. If we choose to recondition our interpretation system, reality becomes fluid, and the scope of what can be real is enhanced without endangering the integrity of reality. Dreaming, then, indeed opens the door into other aspects of what is real.
If we choose to disregard our system, the scope of what can be perceived without interpretation grows inordinately. The expansion of our perception is so gigantic that we are left with very few tools for sensory interpretation.
So we are left with a sense of infinite realness, which is unreal, or an infinite unrealness that could very well be real but is not. It is the nature of the inorganic realm, to stimulate secret. The inorganic beings hide in mystery, in the darkness. Think of that world: stationary, with the firmly set objective of attracting us like flies to the flame.
There is something that, until now, the emissary does not dare to tell you: the inorganic beings are after our awareness. They’ll give us knowledge, but they’ll extract a payment: our total being.
The inorganic beings are like fishermen. At some point, the emissary will show you people who are kept imprisoned there, or other beings who are not human but who have also been kept prisoner.
Inorganic beings can’t force anyone to stay with them. To live in their world is a voluntary affair. Yet they are capable of imprisoning any one of us by catering to our desires, by pampering and indulging us. Beware of awareness that is immobile. Awareness like that has to seek movement, and it does this, as I’ve told you, by creating projections, phantasmagorical projections at times.
Inorganic beings hook onto dreamers ‘ innermost feelings and play them mercilessly. They create phantoms to please dreamers or frighten them. Inorganic beings are superb projectionists, who delight in projecting themselves like pictures on the wall, phantasmagorical projections at times.
The old sorcerers were brought down by their inane trust in those projections. The old sorcerers believed their allies had power. They overlooked the fact their allies were tenuous energy projected through worlds, like in a cosmic movie.
I mean to say that the inorganic beings, in our world, are like moving pictures projected on a screen; and I may even add that they are like moving pictures of rarefied energy projected through the boundaries of two worlds.
Life or Death Confrontations
The old sorcerers portrayed the inorganic beings’ world as a blob of caverns and pores floating in some dark space. And they portrayed the inorganic beings as hollow canes bound together, like the cells of our bodies. The old sorcerers called that immense bundle the labyrinth of penumbra.
In the opinion of sorcerers, the universe is predatorial, and sorcerers more than anyone else have to take this into account in their daily sorcery activities.
Consciousness is intrinsically compelled to grow, and the only way it can grow is through strife, through life-or-death confrontations. The awareness of sorcerers grows when they do dreaming. And the moment it grows, something out there acknowledges its growth, recognizes it and makes a bid for it. The inorganic beings are the bidders for that new, enhanced awareness. Dreamers have to be forever on their toes. They are prey the moment they venture out in that predatorial universe.
The inorganic beings did to the old sorcerers what they might be doing to you right now, creating the feeling that they were special, exclusive, and an even more harmful feeling: the feeling of power. Feeling powerful and special are corrupting and unbearable forces. Be careful!
To be safe, you must be on your toes every second! Don’t let anything or anybody decide for you. That is to say, go to the inorganic beings’ world only when you want to go.
One must seriously consider that the inorganic beings have astounding means at their disposal. Their awareness is superb. In comparison, we are children, children with a lot of energy, which the inorganic beings covet.
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