The Voice of Seeing

Published by Editor 19 de April de 2011

Seeing is a euphemism for moving the assemblage point. Seeing has to do with bodily knowledge. The predominance of our visual sense influences this bodily knowledge and gives meaning to being visually oriented. Seeing is alignment. The alignment of the Indescribable Forces emanations used routinely is the perception of the day-to-day world, but the alignment of emanations that are never used ordinarily is seeing. When such an alignment occurs one sees.

The act of seeing, therefore, being produced by very out of the ordinary alignment, cannot be something to which one merely looks at. Seeing is a peculiar sense of knowing, to know something beyond a shadow of a doubt. It doesn’t matter what you see. What you feel is what’s important. When seers see, something explains everything as the new alignment takes place. It’s a voice that tells them in their ear what’s what. If that voice is not present, what the seer is engaged in isn’t seeing.

It is fallacious to say that seeing is hearing, because it is infinitely more than that, but seers have opted for using sound as a gauge of a new alignment. The voice of seeing is a most mysterious inexplicable thing. Assertions are made with great sureness, and we don’t know how it happens. My personal conclusion is that the voice of seeing belongs only to man.

This may happen because talking is something that no one else besides man does. The old seers believed it was the voice of an overpowering entity intimately related to mankind, a protector of man. The new seers found out that that entity, which they called the mold of man, doesn’t have a voice. The voice of seeing for the new seers is something quite incomprehensible; they say it’s the glow of awareness playing on the Indescribable Force‘s emanations as a harpist plays on a harp.

The seeing process consists of an interval of true silence, followed by an exterior stretching of the self, a stretching that meets and mergers with the other body, or with anything inside of our field of awareness.

Merging is like something that the body feels or does when put into observational contact with other bodies. Seeing must be direct, because a warrior cannot use up his time in ascertaining what he himself is seeing. Seeing is only seeing because it eliminates all foolishness. At first seeing can be confusing, and it is easy to lose ones’ self in this, but as the warrior becomes more compact his sight becomes what is should be; direct knowledge.

A warrior asks questions and through his seeing obtains answers, but the answer is simple and never embellished as if it were a french poodle. Seeing only happens when we sneak in between worlds; the world of ordinary people and the world of the sorcerers.


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