Our mind, soul, thoughts, state of grace, heaven, pure intellect, psyche, energy, vital force, immortality, life principle and supreme being… all of these things are Tonal, even the Almighty, God. God has no more importance other than being part of the tonal of our time.
It is all everything we think of the world, including God. They are all items on the island of the Tonal. The Nagual, on the contrary, is at the service of the warrior. It can be witnessed, but it cannot be talked about.
The Nagual is there, where the power hovers, surrounding the island of the Tonal. We sense, from the very moment we are born, that there are two parts of us. At the time of birth, and for a while after, we are all Nagual. We sense, then, that in order to function we need a counterpart to what we have. The Tonal is missing and that gives us, from the very beginning, a feeling of incompleteness. Then the Tonal starts to develop and it becomes so utterly important to our functioning, so important that it opaques the shine of the Nagual, it overwhelms it.
From the moment we become all Tonal we do nothing else but to increment that old feeling of incompleteness which accompanies us from the moment of our birth and which tells us constantly that there exists another part to give us completeness. From the moment we become all tonal, we begin making pairs. We sense our two sides, but we always represent them with items of the tonal. We say that the two parts of us are the soul and the body. Or mind and matter. Or good and evil. God and Satan. We never realize, however, that we are merely paring things on the island, very much like paring coffee and tea, or bread and tortillas or pepper and mustard. I tell you, we are weird animals. We get carried away in our madness, we believe ourselves to be making perfect sense.
To explain all this is not that simple. No matter how clever the checkpoints of the Tonal are the fact of the matter is that the Nagual surfaces. It’s coming to the surface is always inadvertent. The Tonal’s great art is to suppress the manifestation of the Nagual in such a manner that even if its presence should be the most obvious thing in the world, it is unnoticeable by other people’s Tonals.
My Tonal is being used in order to comprehend the information that I want to be clear to your Tonal. Let’s say that the Tonal, since it is keenly aware of how taxing it is to speak of itself, has created the terms “I,” “myself,” and so forth as a balance and thanks to them it can talk to other Tonals, or with itself, about itself. Now when I say that the Tonal forces us to do something, I don’t mean that there is a third party there. Obviously it forces itself to follow its own opinions. On certain occasions, however, or under certain special circumstances, something in the tonal itself becomes aware that there is more to us. It is like a voice that comes from the depths, the voice of the Nagual.
You see, our totality is a natural condition which the Tonal cannot obliterate altogether and there are moments, especially in the life of a warrior, when the totality becomes apparent. At those moments one can surmise and assess what we really are. At these moments, the Nagual becomes aware of the totality of the self. It is always a shock because this awareness disturbs the calmness.
I call it the awareness of totality of the being that is going to die. The idea is that at the moment of death the other member of the true pair, the Nagual, becomes fully active and the awareness and the memories and perceptions held in our legs and thigh, our backs, shoulders and neck start to expand and disintegrate. Like when the links of a never ending leash break, they fall all over, without the agglutinate force of life.
The Nagual is the part of us that doesn’t deal with everything. It is the part of us of which there is no description – nor words, names, sensations, or knowledge. The Nagual is not experience, or intuition, or awareness. These terms and everything else you can say are just items on the island of Tonal. The Tonal starts at birth and ends at the time of death, but the Nagual is never ending. The Nagual has no limits. As I have said, the Nagual is where the power hovers; this was merely my way of referring to the subject. Because of its effect, perhaps the Nagual can be better comprehended in terms of power.
The affairs of the Nagual can be witnessed only with the energy body, not the reason. This is our nature, as fluid, luminous beings. When the Tonal shrinks, incredible things are possible, but they are only extraordinary for the Tonal.
You can say that the Nagual explains creativity. The Nagual is the only part of us what can create. The Nagual is capable of unconceivable feats. Let’s say that the warrior learns to tune his will, and direct at a certain point and focus it where he wishes. It’s as if his will, which comes from the midsection of his body, is a single luminous fiber, fiber that he can point to any conceivable place. That fiber is the road to the Nagual. Or I can say that the warrior sinks into the Nagual through that single fiber. Once he has sunk, the expression of the Nagual is a matter of his personal temperament.
The Nagual, after learning to emerge can cause great damage to the Tonal, appearing uncontrollably. Here we have a strange question. What is being conducted to the Nagual by the luminous fiber? The answer is: perception!
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