One of the sturdiest aspects of our inventory is our idea of God. This aspect is like a powerful glue that binds the assemblage point to its original position. To assemble another true world with another great band of emanations, it’s necessary to take an obligatory step in order to release all ties from the assemblage point.
That step is to see the mold of man. The mold of man is a huge cluster of emanations in the great band of organic life. It is called the mold of man because the cluster appears only inside the cocoon of man. The mold of man is the portion of the Eagle’s emanations that seers can see directly without any danger to themselves.
The mold of man is a pattern of energy that serves to stamp the qualities of humanness on an amorphous blob of biological matter. Using a mechanical analogy, it is like a gigantic die that stamps out human beings endlessly as if they were coming to it on a mass-production conveyor belt. Every species has a mold of its own, and every individual of every species molded by the process shows characteristics particular to its own kind.
The old seers as well as the mystics of our world have one thing in common – they have been able to see the mold of man but not understand what it is. Mystics, throughout the centuries, have given us moving accounts of their experiences. But these accounts, however beautiful, are flawed by the gross and despairing mistake of believing the mold of man to be an omnipotent, omniscient creator; and so is the interpretation of the old seers, who called the mold of man a friendly spirit, a protector and savior of man.
The new seers are the only ones who have the sobriety to see the mold of man and understand what it is. What they have come to realize is that the mold of man is not a creator, but the pattern of every human attribute we can think of and some we cannot even conceive. The mold is our God because we are what it stamps us with and not because it has created us from nothing and made us in its image and likeness. To fall on our knees in the presence of the mold of man reeks of arrogance and human self-centeredness.
The belief that God exists is based on faith and, as such, was a secondhand conviction that did not amount to anything; most people’s belief in the existence of God is based on hearsay and not on the act of seeing. Even if you were able to see, you would be bound to make the same misjudgment that mystics have made. Anyone who sees the mold of man automatically assumes that it is God.
The mystical experience a chance seeing, a one-shot affair that has no significance whatsoever because it is the result of a random movement of the assemblage point.The new seers are indeed the only ones who can pass a fair judgment on this matter, because they have ruled out chance seeings and are capable of seeing the mold of man as often as they please.
They have seen, therefore, that what we call God is a static prototype of humanness without any power. For the mold of man cannot under any circumstances help us by intervening in our behalf, or punish our wrongdoings, or reward us in any way. We are simply the product of its stamp; we are its impression. The mold of man is exactly what its name tells us it is, a pattern, a form, a cast that groups together a particular bunch of fiber-like elements, which we call man.
The Barrier of Perception
Now, the only thing left for you to do before the explanation of the mastery of awareness is complete is to break the barrier of perception by yourself. You must move your assemblage point, unaided by anyone, and align another great band of emanations. Not to do this will turn everything you’ve learned and done with me into mere talk, just words. And words are cheap.
When the assemblage point is moving away from its customary position and reaches a certain depth, it breaks a barrier that momentarily disrupts its capacity to align emanations. We experience it as a moment of perceptual blankness. The old seers called that moment the wall of fog, because a bank of fog appears whenever the alignment of emanations falters.
There are three ways of dealing with it. It can be taken abstractly as a barrier of perception; it can be felt as the act of piercing a tight paper screen with the entire body; or it can be seen as a wall of fog.
Exercises of assembling other worlds allow the assemblage point to gain experience in shifting. The initial boost to dislodge your assemblage point from its usual position comes from intent.
The mastery of awareness is what gives the assemblage point its boost. After all, there is really very little to us human beings; we are, in essence, an assemblage point fixed at a certain position. Our enemy and at the same time our friend is our internal dialogue, our inventory. Be a warrior; shut off your internal dialogue; make your inventory and then throw it away. The new seers make accurate inventories and then laugh at them. Without the inventory the assemblage point becomes free.
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