The energy of our world wavers. It scintillates. Not only living beings but everything in our world glimmers with an inner light of its own. The energy of our world consists of different layers of shimmering hues. The top layer is whitish; another, immediately adjacent to it, is chartreuse; and another one, more distant yet, is amber.
You will see glimmers of them whenever items that you encounter in your dreamlike states change shapes. However, a whitish glow is always the initial impact of seeing anything that generates energy.
There is an endless number of different hues, but for the purposes of a beginning order, you should be concerned with those three. Later on, you can get as sophisticated as you want and isolate dozens of hues, if you are able to do it. The whitish layer is the hue of the present position of mankind’s assemblage point. Let’s say that it is a modern hue.
Sorcerers believe that everything man does nowadays is tinted with that whitish glow. At another period in time, humanity’s position of the agglutination point made the world’s predominate energy hue chartreuse. At another time, more distant yet, it made it amber. The color of sorcerers’ energy is amber, which means that they are energetically associated with the men who existed in a distant past.
The present whitish hue may change someday if man is capable of evolving. The grand task of sorcerers is to bring forth the idea that, in order to evolve, man must first free his awareness from its bindings to the social order. Once awareness is free, intent will redirect it into a new evolutionary path.
Energy generating items
What comes next is a sorcerer’s gem. You will exercise seeing energy in your dreaming. You passed the test of the third gate of dreaming: you moved your energy body alone. Now comes the real task: to see energy with your energy body.
You have seen energy before. Many times in fact, but so far every time it has been by chance. Now you are going to do it deliberately. Dreamers have a rule of thumb. If their energy body is complete, they see energy every time they gaze at an item in the daily world. In dreams, if they see the energy of an item, they know they are dealing with a real world, no matter how distorted that world may appear to their dreaming attention. If they can’t see the energy of an item, they are in an ordinary dream and not in a real world. A world that generates energy; the opposite of a phantom world of projections, where nothing generates energy, like most of our dreams, where nothing has an energetic effect.
Dreaming is a process by which dreamers isolate dream conditions in which they can find energy-generating elements. Dreaming is the process by which we intend to find adequate positions of the assemblage point, positions that permit us to perceive energy-generating items in dreamlike states.
The energy body is also capable of perceiving energy that is quite different from the energy of our own world, as in the case of items of the inorganic beings’ realm, which the energy body perceives as sizzling energy. In our world nothing sizzles; everything here wavers.
From now on the issue of your dreaming will be to determine whether the items on which you focus your dreaming attention are energy generating, mere phantom projections, or generators of foreign energy.
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