The fighting form was actually a precaution. It is a specific bodily position to be maintained while the warrior remains in his beneficial spot. It consists in clapping the calf and thigh of your right leg and stomping your left foot in a kind of dance which is done while facing the attacker.
The position must only be adopted in moments of extreme crisis, but so long as there is
no danger in sight, you should simply sit cross-legged on your spot. Under circumstances of extreme danger, however, one may resort to one last means of defense — hurling an object of power at the enemy.
The War Cry
Ordinarily you can hurl a power object that fits into the palm of your right hand and can be held by pressing it against the palm of your hand with your thumb. Such a technique should be used only if one was indisputably in danger of losing one’s life. The hurling of the object has to be accompanied by a war cry, a yell that has the property of directing the object to its mark. Be careful and deliberate about the outcry and not use it at random, but only under severe conditions of seriousness.
The outcry or war cry is something that remains with a man for the duration of his life; thus it has to be good from the very beginning. And the only way to start it correctly is by holding back one’s natural fear and haste until one is absolutely filled with power, and then the yell will burst out with direction and power. These are the conditions of seriousness needed to launch the yell.
The power that is supposed to fill one before the outcry is something that runs through the body coming from the ground where one stands; it is a kind of power that emanates from the beneficial spot, to be exact. It is a force that pushes the yell out. If such a force is properly managed, the battle cry will be perfect.
The Posture of Power
This is the site of your last stand. You will die here no matter where you are. Every warrior has a place to die. A place of his predilection which is soaked with unforgettable memories, where powerful events left their mark, a place where he has witnessed marvels, where secrets have been revealed to him, a place where he has stored his personal power.
A warrior has the obligation to go back to that place of his predilection every time he taps power in order to store it there. He either goes there by means of walking or by means of dreaming “And finally, one day when his time on earth is up and he feels the tap of his death on his left shoulder, his spirit, which is always ready, flies to the place of his predilection and there the warrior dances to his death.
Every warrior has a specific form, a specific posture of power, which he develops throughout his life. It is a sort of dance. A movement that he does under the influence of his personal power.
If a dying warrior has limited power, his dance is short; if his power is grandiose, his dance is magnificent. But regardless of whether his power is small or magnificent, death must stop to witness his last stand on earth. Death cannot overtake the warrior who is recounting the toil of his life for the last time until he has finished his dance.
Force Stomach Downwards
In moments of great danger, fear, or stress. It consists in pushing your belly down by pushing the diaphragm down while taking four sharp gasps of air through the mouth, followed by four deep inhalations and exhalations through the nose. The gasps of air have to be felt as jolts in the middle part of the body. Keeping the hands tightly clasped, covering the navel, gives strength to the midsection and helps to control the gasps and the deep inhalations, which have to be held for a count of eight as one presses the diaphragm down.
The exhalations are done twice through the nose and twice through the mouth in a slow or accelerated fashion, depending on one’s preference.
Physical Prowess and Mental Well-being
Sorcerers are not spiritual at all. They are very practical beings. It is a well-
known fact, however, that sorcerers are generally regarded as eccentric, or even insane.
Perhaps that is what makes you think that they are spiritual. They seem insane because
they are always trying to explain things that cannot be explained. In the course of such
futile attempts to give complete explanations that cannot be completed under any
circumstances, they lose all coherence and say inanities.
If you want physical prowess and level headedness, you need a pliable body. These are the two most important issues in the lives of sorcerers, because they bring forth sobriety and pragmatism: the only indispensable requisites for entering into other realms of perception.
To navigate, in a genuine way, in the unknown necessitates an attitude of daring, but not one of recklessness. In order to establish a balance between audacity and recklessness, a sorcerer has to be extremely sober, cautious, skillful, and in superb physical condition.
In an average life, the desire or will to travel into the unknown is not enough. Just to conceive facing the unknown – much less enter into it – requires guts of steel, and a body that would be capable of holding those guts. What would be the point of being gutsy if you didn’t have mental alertness, physical prowess, and adequate muscles?
The superb physical condition is the first step toward the redeployment of our inherent energy. This redeployment of energy is the most crucial issue in the lives of sorcerers, as well as in the life of any individual. Redeployment of energy is a process which consists of transporting, from one place to another, energy which already exists within us. This energy has been displaced from centers of vitality in the body, which require that displaced energy in order to bring forth a balance between mental alertness and physical prowess.
A human being perceived as a conglomerate of energy fields is a concrete and sealed unit into which no energy can be injected, and from which no energy can escape. The feeling of losing energy, which all of us experience at one time or another, is the result of energy being chased away, dispersed from the five enormous natural centers of life and vitality. Any sense of gaining energy is due to the redeployment of energy previously dispersed from those centers. That is to say, the energy is relocated onto those five centers of life and vitality.
Therefore, the energy existing within that conglomerate of energy fields is all that each human individual can count on.
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