The specific problem of sorcerers is two-fold. One is the impossibility of restoring a shattered continuity; the other is the impossibility of using the continuity dictated by the new position of their assemblage points. That new continuity is always too tenuous, too unstable, and does not offer sorcerers the assuredness they need to function as if they were in the world of everyday life.
None of us resolves this problem. The spirit either resolves it for us or it doesn’t. If it does, a sorcerer finds himself acting in the sorcerers’ world, but without knowing how. This is the reason why I have insisted from the day I found you that impeccability is all that counts. A sorcerer lives an impeccable life, and that seems to beckon the solution. Why? No one knows.
There is an enormous difference between the thoughts and deeds of the men of antiquity and those of modern men. The men of ancient times had a very realistic view of perception and awareness because their view stemmed from their observations of the universe around them. Modern men, in contrast, have an absurdly unrealistic view of perception and awareness because their view stems from their observations of the social order and from their dealings with it.
You are a modern man involved with the views and observations of men of antiquity. And none of those views and observations are familiar to you. Now more than ever you need sobriety and aplomb. I am trying to make a solid bridge, a bridge you can walk on, between the views of men of ancient times and those of modern men.
Of all the transcendental observations of the men of ancient times, the only one with which you are familiar, because it has filtered down to our day, is the idea of selling our souls to the devil in exchange for immortality, which sounds to me like something coming straight out of the relationship of the old sorcerers with the inorganic beings who try to seduce us into staying in their realm by offering the possibility of keeping individuality and self-awareness for practically an eternity.
As you know, succumbing to the lure of the inorganic beings is not just an idea; it’s real. But you have not totally realized the implication of this reality. Dreaming, likewise, is real; it is an energy-generating condition.
You hear my statements and you may understand what I mean, but your awareness hasn’t caught up with the total implication of it yet. If you were fully aware of what an energy-generating condition means you would measure dreaming with the greatest care and deliberation. Since you believe you are just dreaming, you take blind chances. Faulty reasoning tells you that no matter what happens, at a given moment the dream will be over and you will wake up.
I am talking to you about the views of men of antiquity and the views of modern man because your awareness, which is the awareness of modern man, prefers to deal with an unfamiliar concept as if it were an empty ideality. If I left it up to you, you’d regard dreaming as an idea. Of course, I’m sure you take dreaming seriously, but you don’t quite believe in the reality of dreaming.
I am saying all this because the time will come when you are in the proper position to understand that dreaming is an energy-generating condition. Then, you will understand that ordinary dreams are the honing devices used to train the assemblage point to reach the position that creates this energy-generating condition we call dreaming.
Since dreamers touch and enter real worlds of all-impactant effects, they ought to be in a permanent state of the most intense and sustained alertness; any deviation from total alertness imperils the dreamer in ways more than dreadful.
Regard dreaming as something extremely dangerous! And begin that now! Don’t come out with any of your suspicious maneuvers. What is happening is that you can displace your assemblage point quickly and easily. But that ease can have the tendency to make the displacement erratic. You must bring that ease to order. And don’t allow yourself even a fraction of an inch of leeway.
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