The physical body and the energy body are two conglomerations of energy fields comprised together by a strange agglutinant force. The force that connects this group of energy fields is, according to the ancient sorcerers, the most mysterious force in the universe. It is the pure essence of the cosmos as a whole, a total sum of all that exists.
The physical body and the energy or luminous body, are the only energetic configurations offset into our domain as human beings. Thus there are no other dualisms existent between these two. The dualism between the body and mind, the spirit and flesh, is a mere concoction of the mind, emanating this without any energetic basis. Through discipline it is possible for a person to bring the energetic body closer to the physical body. Normally, the distance between the two is enormous.
Once the energy body is within a certain distance, of which varies according to each of us individually, any person, through discipline, can forge it into an exact replica or his or her physical body, smaller, more compact, heavier than the physical body’s luminous sphere – or be it, a solid tridimensional being.
In the same way, through the same disciplinary practices, anyone can forge his or her solid tridimensional physical body to be a perfect replica or their energy body – i.e., an ethereal charge of energy invisible to the human eye, as all energy is.
The ancient seers concentrated part of their efforts into unmasking and exploring the energy or dream, body. And they were very successful in using it as a more practical body, what I mean to say is that they recreated it in ways ever stranger. The new seers know that many of the ancient sorcerers never came back after awakening in a dream position of their liking. They probably all died in those inconceivable worlds, or they may still be alive today in some way or twisted manner.
The ancient seers were looking for a perfect replica of the body. And they almost succeeded. The only thing that they never succeeded in copying was the eyes. In the place of the eyes, the dream body simply has the shine of consciousness. The new seers could not care less about a perfect replica of the body; actually they are not interested in copying the body at all. But they maintained the dream body name, signifying a sensation, a wave of energy that transports them, by the movement of the point of agglutination, to any place in this world and any place in the seven worlds reachable by man.
The procedure to reach the dream body begins with an initial act that, due to the fact of being continual, develops an inflexible intention. The inflexible intention leads to internal silence, and the internal silence to the internal force necessary to make the point of agglutination dislocate in dreams to other, adequate positions. This sequence is the foundation. Developing control comes after having completed this foundation; it consists in maintaining systematically the dream position and holding on tenaciously to the dream’s vision. Constant practice results in greater ease in maintaining new dream positions within new dreams, not wholly because the person obtains deliberate control with practice, but because each time this control is exercised, the internal force becomes enriched. The internal force in turn makes the point of agglutination move to dream positions, which are ever more appropriate for providing sobriety; in other words, the dreams in themselves become more manageable, and even compliant.
The dreamers’ development is indirect. And this is why the new seers believed that we can dream alone. Once dreaming uses a natural, intrinsic movement of the point of agglutination, we shouldn’t need anyone’s help. What we desperately need is sobriety, and it is only in ourselves that we can get it. Without it, the movement of the point of agglutination is chaotic, as chaotic as common dreams are.
This way, all in all, the procedure for attaining the dream body is the impeccability practiced in our daily lives. The next step after sobriety is acquired and the dream positions are stronger, is to awaken in a dream position. The trick, as simple as it may seem, in reality is a very complex subject – so complex that it requires sobriety as well as all of the warrior’s attributes, especially intention.
Intention, being the more sophisticated control of the force of alignment, is what maintains, through the sobriety of the dreamer, the alignment of any which emanations that have been alit by the movement of the point of agglutination.
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