Sorcerers need a breaking point for the workings of inner silence to set in. The breaking point is like the mortar that a mason puts between bricks. It’s only when the mortar hardens that the loose bricks become a structure. Every sorcerer I know, male or female, sooner or later arrives at a breaking point in their lives.
What I mean is that at a given moment the continuity of their lives has to break in order for inner silence to set in and become an active part of their structures. It’s very, very important that you yourself deliberately arrive at that breaking point, or that you create it artificially, and intelligently. Your breaking point is to discontinue your live as you know it. It’s not possible for you to continue on the warrior’s path carrying your personal history with you, and unless you discontinue your way of life, you will not be able to continue following these instructions. Your friends, your family, they are your points of reference. Therefore, they have to go. Sorcerers have only one point of reference: infinity.
My recommendation is that you rent a room in one of those chintzy hotels you know. The uglier the place, the better. If the room has drab green carpet, and drab green drapes, and drab green walls, so much the better. Such a hotel, to me is the true representation of life on Earth for the average person. If you are lucky, or ruthless, you will get a room with a view of the street, where you will see this endless parade of human misery. If you’re not that lucky, or that ruthless, you will get a room on the inside, with windows to the wall of the next building. Think of spending a lifetime torn between those two views, envying the view of the street if you’re inside, and envying the view of the wall if you’re on the outside, tired of looking out.
A sorcerer uses a place like that to die. You have never been alone in your life. This is the time to do it. You will stay in that room until you die. I don’t want your body to die physically. I want your person to die. The two are very different affairs. In essence, your person has very little to do with your body. Your person is your mind, and believe you me, your mind is not yours but the alien installation.
The criteria which indicates if a sorcerer is dead is when it makes no difference to him whether he has company or whether he is alone. The day you don’t covet the company of your friends, whom you use as shields, that’s the day that your person has died. What do you say? Are you game?
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