Lucius Annaeus Seneca, more widely known as Seneca, philosopher, born 4 BC in Cordova and died in 65 AD in Rome
Not that he wants to pursue, in fact he did not know standing still.
If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.
Our mind is only well if it is at peace with itself.
“Unus quisque mavult credere, quam judicare,” everyone prefers to believe rather than to give his own opinion. Rare are those who decide after mature reflection; the great majority go with the sway of the waves and, far from conducting themselves, let themselves be taken away by them.
Certainly, nothing is worse than to accommodate ourselves to the clamor of the majority, convinced that what we all undergo is the best; to consider good the numerous examples and not live rationally, but by imitation.
No one errs on their own, they merely repeat the mistakes of others.
We seek the good things in life, not in appearance, but for being beautiful on the inside, solid and long-lasting. We will discover them. They are not far and they will be found; one only needs to know when we find them. However, we walk blindly around them, stumbling over what we desire…
Keep out of the company of the mischievous, lest they make one spawn in you.
Talk to those who can make you better than you are.
God endowed us with one mouth and two ears so we could listen twice as much as we speak.
Time heals what reason was unable to.
When we cannot correct something, the best thing to do is to learn how to bear it.
Who asks timidly gives rise to the negative
The first victim of the lack of temperance is freedom itself.
Nature united us in one huge family, and we should live our lives united, helping each other.
What good is it to know what a straight shot forward is if you do not know what straightforwardness is?
Danger is not in the external, no wall separates us from the enemy. Instead, the deadliest dangers are within us.
A light load makes the other a debtor; a heavy one makes him a fierce enemy.
The most important part of progress is the desire to progress.
We die like the mortals that we are, and we live as if we were immortal.
Usefulness is the measure of necessity: and how do you assess the superfluous?
Dedicated to expecting from the future are only those who cannot live in the present.
You need only tell the truth to those willing to listen.
Whoever receives a benefit with gratitude has just paid the first installment of his debt.
The only secret that women know how to keep is one they ignore.
The continuous stirring in a tumultuous life is not a healthy activity, but restlessness.
One who executes orders willingly escapes the painful side of submission: doing that which repulses us.
Good does not spring from evil, any more than figs grow from olive–trees: the fruit corresponds to the seed.
Live with men as if God was watching, talk to God as if men were.
Believe in your loyalty: it will make you loyal.
It is very common to find that long lived people have lived very little.
If I feel like laughing at a fool, I do not need to go far; I laugh at myself.
Things are not praised because they are desirable, but are desired because they are praised.
Behave with your inferior-self as you would have your higher-self behave with you.
Forgive others always, never yourself.
Often times a small offering produces great effects.
When we cannot correct a thing, the best thing to do is to learn how to bear it.
Where there are great heights, there are great chasms.
Who decides on a case without hearing the other party cannot be considered just, even if he decided justly.
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