I burn in my longing for your presence. Sweet fire that nourishes the brands that You left in the center of my being. Oh! Sublime encounter. Oh! Goddess of the vastness and of the light. Oh! Source of life and beauty that perfumes our senses. Supreme sweetness, know that you are mine, ensnared to me, cast in me in the joy of love.
I am forever bestowed with your gifts. In every woman I ever loved and still love, you show yourself in a singular way, never the same, and yet, your presence shines behind every human encounter. You are of infinite variety and yet always unique.
The human encounter of love is like a precious stone lost along many ordinary days. When it is found, it shines like a sun to never extinguish. The fire of present experience extends in the intensity of memory, shining forever into eternity. In this otherworldly landscape, each meeting is always alive and fresh, happening now and always.
Encounter of love. Sweet warmth, soft and gentle. Intense beauty that radiates from the face and body of the beloved. Intense pleasure in the fusion of two bodies. All this is possible only because the blessing of love is all enveloping in your embrace, shinning onwards, dissolving the concreteness of matter, making us wind, flower, water and light. Perfume that exudes, music that enchants.
And Thou, supreme Goddess, at times smile and hug me from within the body of the woman I love. Deliver me and take me to infinite space, in the dance of the joy of love. Or just bless me and leave me in the warmth that is You, one and the same, in singular form. Yes, all women are daughters of the Goddess, when permeated by the power of love, allowing their bodies to blossom, to flower and open to the sun, rain, wind.
So many times I have suffered the pain of loneliness. So many times I have been bitter craving the feminine warmth, the enchanted sweetness of the tryst of love. But today as I contemplate the pains of the past, I find nothing. The fires that destroy did not impede it from sprouting all up again.
Within the Sacred, as the years go by, new female presences bloom, new encounters of love reveal themselves in the world where there are no mismatches. Blessed by so many presences, amongst the charm and fragrance of so many loves, intense and vivid, in the eternal now, I can only feel grateful.
The human encounter is so fragile. Easily shaken. Trembles. Fractures. Hurts. Disappointments. Disagrees. Trust that ceases or wanes. People who move apart. Longings that stay behind.
It is only within the Sacred that love reveals its true face. Serene. Lasting. Permanent. The joy of a fresh new encounter always possible. The steady flame of spiritual communion.
Sacred mystery of love. A woman’s body transformed by the light of the spirit and the immortal beauty shines. Thirsty and ecstatic I dive in these waters. I lie down in this nest, soft and smooth. Oh! Sweet pleasure that brazes me, ignite. I become flame, one with you in the light of the spirit. Oh! Sublime Goddess that shines in the woman I love in the spring of love. Fleeting and eternal. The light goes out but shimmers in the memory of the encounter. Your face is unique to each woman I love. Unique, unrepeatable. Every new love resurges with new beauty. Sweet mystery of diversity. Oh! This immense gift of generous fate shall always present me with you in a new face. So many loves, so many joys. In the light of the living spirit, I live among them, in the sweet and joyful communion of love, in the world of eternity.
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