Mário Quintana Quotes – Part VIII

Published by Editor 16 de April de 2013

Daydreams, reflections

The Self Portrait

In the portrait that I make of myself

– line by line –

Sometimes I paint myself as a cloud,

Sometimes I paint myself as a tree

Sometimes I paint myself as things

That there are no more memories of…

Or things that do not exist

But that one day will…

And, chugging along, I seek

– little by little –

My eternal semblance,

In the end, what will be left?

A child’s drawling…

Finished by a lunatic!


If things are unattainable… well

That’s not a good enough reason to not want them…

How sad the life paths would be if it weren’t for

The presence of the distant stars!


Today I woke up thinking about a stone on a street in Calcutta.

Of a certain stone on a street in Calcutta. Unfastened. Alone.

Who notices it? Just me, who’s never been there.

Just me, on this side of the world, I send you this thought now…

My stone of Calcutta!


Of our woes

Our own aches and pains are enough,

For no one’s cross is small

As bad as the situation is in China

Our calluses hurt much more…


What does it matter how much ash remains if the flame was high and bright?


Inscription for the entrance gate of a cemetery: “Death does not improve anyone…”


Dialogue through the night

– But there are some who understand us…

– Oh, those are the worst!


Those who put a bullet in their head withdraw themselves from this world by slamming the door.


Of good and evil

Everyone has their charm: the saints and the corrupt.

There is nothing in life that is entirely bad.

You say that the truth bears fruit…

Have you ever seen flowers grow from a lie?


There are nights that I cannot sleep with remorse for what I have failed to do.


Each person thinks as they can…

And one day men will discover that these flying saucers were only studying the life of insects…

The wind’s greatest sorrow is not being colorful.


We did not know

We didn’t even know that the Earth was round yet.

And we thought that somewhere, far away,

There must be a sign on an old post

– an old cooked post

And that read in rustic letters: END OF THE WORLD.

Ah! Then they taught us that the world has no end

And we had no choice but to walk round and round

Like ants on an orange peel.

How was it possible, how was it possible, my God,

To live in that confusion?

This is why we established a whole series of world ends…



It will never be known with what meticulous care that

All That Is came and erased the traces of Everything

And when not even a single sigh remained

He came in a leap

Selling feather dusters of all colors!


The first time that I was murdered

I lost the way of smiling that I had…

Then, every time they killed me,

They went on taking anything they could from me.


The Time and the Wind

There was a ladder that stopped suddenly in the air

There was a door that led to who knows what

There was a clock where death knitted time

But there was a stream running between the toes of the bustling feet

And birds resting on the telegraph wire post


And the wind!

The wind from since the beginning of the world

Was playing with your hair…


May my peace and my beloved silence

Not delude anyone (…)

I think of myself as relatively happy,

Because nothing happens outside me

But, in me, in my soul,

I feel that I will have an earthquake.



“In the trunk of my car

I take with me a hidden angel…

When we came to a clearing,

He comes out from inside, stretches his wings, as beautiful as victory itself

And then, upon his shoulders, I take a long stroll through the city skies…




Dream: a poem that when you read it, you don’t even feel as if it has been written, but that it sprouted, at that very moment, in your own heart.


Style: Style is a difficulty of expression.


Curved line: the most enjoyable way between two points.


Straight line: an unimaginative line.

Melancholy: the romantic way to be sad.

Fulfilled to the letter: to hang is to take too seriously the knot at the throat.

The wind: Sheppard of the clouds.

Synonyms: those who think there are synonyms, I suspect that they cannot distinguish the different shades of a color.

The true illiterate is one who knows how to read, but does not.


Childhood – Life in Technicolor.

Aging – Life in black and white.

We – the pronoun of the herd.

Travel – to change the landscape of loneliness.

Psychoanalysis? One of the most fascinating forms of the police genre, in which the detective attempts to uncover a crime ignored by the criminal himself.

Imagination – It is memory that went crazy.

Peace – the paths are resting.

‘Diabetic’ – Someone who cannot be sweet.

‘Dwarf’ is one who does not let love grow.

Moonlight – Sunlight in dream state.


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