This is the last of the sorcerers’ artifices. Let’s just say that what I am about to reveal to you is the last piece of the sorcerers’ explanations. To make reason feel safe is always the task of the teacher. I have tricked your reason into believing that the tonal is accountable and predictable. We have labored to give you the impression that only the nagual is beyond the scope of explanation; the proof that the tricking was successful is that at this moment it seems to you, in spite of everything that you go through, that there is still a core that you can claim as your own, your reason. That is a mirage.
Your precious reason is only a center of assemblage, a mirror that reflects something which is outside of it. The last piece of the sorcerers’ explanation says that reason is merely reflecting an outside order, and that reason knows nothing about that order; it cannot explain it, in the same way it cannot explain the nagual. Reason can only witness the effects of the tonal, but never ever could it understand it, or unravel it. The very fact that we are here thinking and talking points out an order that we follow without ever knowing how we do that, or what the order is.
The sorcerers do the same thing with will. They say that through the will they can witness the effects of the nagual. I can add now that through reason, no matter what we do with it, or how we do it, we are merely witnessing the effects of the tonal. In both cases there is no hope, ever, to understand or to explain what it is that we are witnessing.
A sorcerer can use the wings of perception to reach other sensibilities; to that of a crow, for example, of a coyote, of a grasshopper, or the order of other worlds in that infinite space. The wings of perception can take us to the most recondite confines of the nagual or to inconceivable worlds of the tonal.
At last we have arrived at the last part of the sorcerers explanations. One day I told you that the nagual and the tonal, which make up the totality of man, were outside of us, and yet were not. That is the paradox of the luminous beings. The tonal of every one of us is but a reflection of that indescribable unknown filled with order. The nagual of every one of us is but a reflection of that indescribable void that contains everything.
Your task now is to dive into the unknown alone. Sit here and turn off your internal dialogue. You can gather the power needed to unfold the wings of your perception and fly to that infinitude.
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