Carlos Bitencourt Almeida

Erotic Parallel Relationships

Published by Carlos Bitencourt Almeida
21 de June de 2011

There is already an article of mine on adultery. This time I want to use a more neutral expression. Wherever there is adultery there implies being corrupted, virtue less. It…


Published by Carlos Bitencourt Almeida
14 de June de 2011

When we live for long periods of time with someone whom we love and that loves us back, there can occur beautiful moments. We surmount moments of joyfulness in living…

Obstacles to Inner Growth – Part 1

Published by Carlos Bitencourt Almeida
16 de May de 2011

To grow is to put ourselves aside and go in direction of something more, something that doesn’t exist, or follow through with something we have already begun and want to…

Solitude: To Fear or Enjoy?

Published by Carlos Bitencourt Almeida
9 de November de 2010

  We have the power to create inside of ourselves an inner world. With eyes closed and in silence we can immerse intensely into life events that happened to us…