Initially the focus of our meeting was to gaze at one another. Meditate together, eye to eye, thus creating a magical encounter that lasted dozens of occasions. It was a magnifying lens that impelled me to the very heights and deepest depths of myself. Through my effort and the magic of your presence I was presented with a splendor of light, joy, love and peace and in this celestial world many times I found you, bright and loving. And so I lived, in joyful fusion and reciprocal love that slaked the depths of my being.
The world shines forth, bright and vast, from the focus of your loving presence within me. Life is renewed, joy overflows, a sweet gratitude flows unceasingly. Oh! Sweet pain, oh! Gentle squeeze in my chest, oh! immense love flowing constantly from the heart, like the sun, like a river of loving light that pours over you and spreads over the world.
Feel yourself melt into me, feel your breath and my breath, feel the moment when our bodies intertwine, dissolving the boundaries into sweet, beautiful, tenderness. Your smooth nakedness, your beauty, radiating love, to me is a touch of heaven, a shower of light.
Oh! Face of innocence and purity. Oh child of light! Your surrender, your happiness, your beauty, your love, your pleasure, fills me with happiness and gratitude. Oh! Intense pleasure that is born of the sweetness of your body, of your gentleness, of your affection, and that opens to me the doors of another world bright, vast and sublime.
Oh! Goddess of light and love, immense, grand, beautiful.
Oh! Power that entices me, welcomes me with sweetness and joy, deepens me, completes me, fulfills me.
Oh! Immense power that flows through me, all around me, that is who I am and pours into thee, melts into you, fulfills you.
Oh! Profound rest, oh! Ecstasy of light and love …
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